Magna Merbau Fins and Battens


Magna Merbau engineered from 100% FSC kiln dried Merbau using start of the art manufacturing processes in accordance with AS 1328-1987.

Designed to perform a structural function yet also be asthetically pleasing, exceptional weatherability and durability.

A multi prupose durable hardwood.

Features and Benefits


  • Incredibly durable and dimensionally stable
  • Engineered to perform up to GL17
  • High quality select grade
  • Built to last – Natural Durability Class 1 (above ground), (40+ year life) as per AS 5604
  • Bushfire Resisting Timber per AS 3959
  • Green product 100% FSC Certified
  • 15 Year limited warranty


Profile Sizes


Magna Merbau Fins and Battens are available in a wide range of sizes including larger beams and posts










We recommend a clear penetrating type timber oil that can be factory applied

  • Intergrain Universal Timber Oil


Builders love Magna Merbau because it is strong and incredibly straight making installation a breeze compared to traditional hardwood.

Specification Example


Documenting clear specification details will be appreciated by QS and builders but also help ensure a successful project


Supplier – Austim  ph 6558 1266

Profile – Magna Merbau 100% FSC 90×42

Coating – Intergrain Universal Oil to be applied factory applied

Additional Information – detail carefully to prevent water traps at joints, all end grain to be sealed with EndCheck Sealer, consider capping end grain





You can be assured only legal and sustainably harvested timber is used in the production of Magna Merbau. ETH is the clear
leader with respect to environmentally diligent Glulam manufacture in Indonesia.

Fire Properties


Interior Applications – Group Number Classification 3

Bushfire – Classified as a “Bushfire Resisting Timber” by AS 3959


15 Year Limited Warranty

Project Gallery

Click here and you will be directed to our Project Gallery where you can view past projects


To really appreciate this product we suggest you visit our showroom and see this product first hand.

Samples are available but due to weight and size we cannot mail them out.

Request a Sample or Enquire

Please note that we are closed from Friday 20/12/24 at 3.30pm and return on Tuesday 7/01/25 at 7.30am

“The timber quality is excellent, the price was competitive, the communication spot on and the delivery just right. Well done and thanks again”

