Why Recycle?
Some people might question whether there is a justifiable need to to recycle timber and wood and the answer is definitely yes.
Timber is a valuable and extremely relevant resource in our environment and because it is a resource which is renewable and repairable, it can and should be diverted from landfill whenever possible.
Another important to note about timber, is that it actually uses significantly less energy to convert timber into packaging and pallets for example, than is required to convert other resources like plastic and metal.
For the majority of cases, it also requires less energy and resources to transport timber than it does plastic and metal, so it is certainly the smart thing to do when you make efforts to recycle and repurpose timber.
Provided it is not contaminated, most post-consumer wood or timber can be recycled.
It does need to be separated from coated, painted and preservative treated wood or timber materials and wood and timber with the following contaminants are not able to be recycled:
Dirt and Sand, Metal connectors, nails and plastic wrapping.
Edge bandings, glues and resins, oil, paint and other similar coatings.
Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) and plywood
Timber that has been treated with Copper Chrome Arsenate (CCA) preservative. (some types of preservative are acceptable but you should check with the recycling centre)
Timber can not be recycled if it is presented along with other wastes like building rubble and general rubbish within the same load.
Treated Timber
There are a number of different preservatives used in Australia for treating timber which are directly impregnated into the timber. Humans and the environment in general can be put at risk through exposure to these chemicals, if the exposure is at high enough levels.
If this this the case, environmental issues can occur if the treated timber is subsequently burned without suitable emission control equipment.
Using treatment on wood is a double-edged sword, as it increase the durability of the wood but at the same time, it also severely limits the recycling options available. The result of this is there is a greater quantity of treated timber heading to landfill than ever before.
This is why government departments have launched a number of initiatives, such as the Victorian government’s Sustainability in Action, Towards Zero Waste Strategy, which has highlighted the disposal of treated wood as an important issue that needs addressing.
It would be beneficial if you are able to make yourself aware of these schemes and initiatives and familiarise yourself with the range of products which have been assigned priority, due to their improved resource recovery qualities and the reduced impact on the environment that some treated timber offers over others.
Here is a directory of some recognised pick-up and drop-off locations, listed regionally.
west tip waste control
394 Victoia Road
Malaga WA 6090
Contact: Deanne or Stefan
Phone: 08 9249 1100
Website: westbin.com.au
Email: stefan@westbin.com.au
biowise – sita organics
45 McLaughlan Road
Postans WA 6167
Phone: 13 13 35
Website: sita.com.au
Email: info@sita.com.au
total cleaning services
18 Elmslie Street
Orelia WA 6167
Contact: James Cole
Phone: 0412 441 449
Email: thehandyman@iprimus.com.au
Finance Place
Malaga WA 6019
Contact: Rob Perisic
Phone: 0892485204
Website: defit.com.au
Email: office@defit.com.au
instant waste management
50 Clune Street
Bayswater WA 6053
Contact: Jake Hickey
Phone: 08 9379 2111
Email: jake@instantwaste.com.au
adelaide resource recovery
Far Northern end of Hanson Rd.
Wingfield SA 5013
Contact: Hugh Hocking
Phone: 08 8244 8156
Website: arr.net.au
Email: hugh.hocking@arr.net.au
cmtp south australia
36-44 Churchill Road North
Dry Creek SA 5094
Phone: 08 8359 4804
Website: cmtp.com.au
southern region waste and recycling centre
12 Christie Road
Lonsdale SA 5160
Contact: Vicki Lazell
Phone: 08 8382 8618
Website: allbulkwaste.com.au
Email: accounts@allbulkwaste.com.au
Unit 14, 160 Churchill rd
Cavan SA 5094
Contact: Chris Cunningham
Phone: 61417725738 or 1800 885 625
Website: bettatrans.com.au
Email: chris.cunningham@bettatrans.com
veolia environmental services
500 Churchill Road
Kilburn SA 5084
Phone: 08 8260 2122
Website: veolia.com.au
Email: sa@veolia.com.au
1300 rubbish
GPO Box 2823
Sydney NSW 2001
Contact: Geordie Gill
Phone: 1300 782 247
Website: 1300rubbish.com.au
Email: geordie@1300rubbish.com.au
infoactiv group pty ltd
Level 3, 26 – 28 Prospect Street
Box Hill VIC 3128
Contact: John Gertsakis
Phone: 1800 489 278 or 03 8892 3029
Website: ecoactiv.com.au
Email: info@ecoactiv.com.au
t2 environmental
Macgregor Tce
Bardon QLD 4065
Contact: Terry Maguire
Phone: 1300 578 707
Website: t2environmental.com.au
Email: sales@t2environmental.com.au
remondis australia pty ltd
69 Grindle Road
Rocklea QLD 4106
Phone: 13 73 73 or 07 3715 1500
Website: remondis.com.au
Email: info@remondis.com.au
oz recycle – online recyclers community
P.O. Box 134
Tanilba Bay NSW 2319
Website: ozrecycle.com
anything rubbish
Lindsay Road
Morayfield QLD 4506
Phone: 0466245628
Website: anythingrubbish.com.au
Email: robertgreene674@gmail.com
j.r stephens & co pty ltd
169 Mary Street
Blackstone QLD 4304
Contact: Nathan Stephens
Phone: 07 3816 1911 or 0408 771 441
Website: jrstephens.com.au
Email: nathan@jrstephens.com.au
veolia environmental
166 Boundary Rd
Rocklea QLD 4106
Phone: 1300 134 364
Website: veolia.com.au
Email: qld@veolia.com.au
steves rubbish removals
230 Stradbroke Avenue
Wynnum QLD 4178
Phone: 07 3348 4735
Website: stevesrubbishremovals.com.au
Email: office@stevesrubbishremovals.com.au
t2 environmental
172 Brisbane Road
Mooloolaba QLD 4557
Contact: graeme rose
Phone: 1300 578 707
Website: t2environmental.com.au
Email: graeme.rose@t2environmental.com.au
ironwood australia
88 Lillyfield Road
Rozelle NSW 2039
Contact: Chris Swadling
Phone: 0408 210 214 or 02 9819 1166
Website: ironwood.com.au
Email: chris@ironwood.com.au
benedict recycling
38 McPherson St
Banksmeadow NSW 2019
Contact: Luke Miller
Phone: 0434 365 031
Website: benedictrecycling.com.au
Email: recycling@benedict.com.au
sydney transwaste industries
160 Arthur Street
Homebush West NSW 2140
Phone: 02 9746 8333
Website: transwaste.com.au
Email: transwaste@bigpond.com
back to earth the mulch makers
132 Burfitt Rd
Riverstone NSW 2765
Contact: Peter Holloway
Phone: 02 9627 5758
Email: bbacktoe@optusnet.com.au
Pick up locations
down to earth waste removal
7 Mulwarree Avenue
Randwick NSW 2031
Contact: Victor Tavitian
Phone: 0409 453 810
Website: downtoearthwaste.com.au
Email: info@downtoearthwaste.com.au
watts waste
50 Meatworks Avenue
Oxford Falls NSW 2101
Phone: 02 9452 4053
Website: wattswaste.com.au
Email: sales@wattswaste.com.au
bingo recycling centre auburn
3-5 Duck St
Auburn NSW 2144
Phone: 1300 424 646
Website: bingogroup.com.au
Email: enquiries@bingogroup.com.au
lounge recyclers
P.O. Box 110 Hunter Region Mail Centre
Warabrook NSW 2310
Contact: Michael Marshall
Phone: 02 40170446 or 0407 794 769
Website: newcastlerubbish.com.au
Email: info@newcastlemattressrecyclers.com.au
j.j richards & sons pty ltd
Po Box 280
Figtree NSW 2525
Phone: 02 4274 9103
Website: jjrichards.com.au
Email: admin.wollongong@jjrichards.com.au
remondis australia pty ltd
Flemington Road
Mitchell ACT 2911
Phone: 13 73 73 or 02 6126 5800
Website: remondis.com.au
Email: info@remondis.com.au
canberra concrete recyclers (includes untreated timber drop off)
Pialligo Avenue
Pialligo ACT 2609
Phone: 02 6249 7427
Website: canberraconcreterecyclers.com.au
sita australia
41 Alderson Place
Hume ACT 2620
Contact: SITA Customer Service
Phone: 13 13 35
Website: sita.com.au
t2 environmental
Macgregor Tce
Bardon QLD 4065
Contact: Terry Maguire
Phone: 1300 578 707
Website: t2environmental.com.au
Email: sales@t2environmental.com.au
loumbos pty ltd
25 Forrester Street
Kingsgrove NSW 2208
Contact: Chad Loumbos
Phone: 02 8577 1000
Website: loumbos.com.au
Email: sales@loumbos.com.au
resource environmental solutions
50a Alexander Avenue
Taren Point NSW 2229
Contact: John McKay
Phone: 1300101552
Website: wastemanagement.com.au
Email: john.m@wastemanagement.com.au
32 Kirkdale St
East Brunswick VIC 3057
Phone: 03 9389 5100 or 1300 362 362
Website: kartaway.com.au
Email: sales@kartaway.com.au
dats environmental services pty ltd
372-375 Dynon Road
Melbourne VIC 3051
Phone: 1300 00 3287
Website: dats.net.au
Email: sales@dats.net.au
knox transfer station
251 George Street
Melway reference 72 D3
Wantirna South VIC 3152
Phone: 03 9887 4222
Website: knoxtransferstation.com.au
super safe eco waste recycling centre
199-201 Colchestor Rd
Kilsyth VIC 3137
Phone: 03 9723 3759
Email: NickV@supersafehire.com.au
all gone
Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Contact: Scott Robinson
Phone: 0419 717 710
Website: allgone.com.au
Email: scott@allgone.com.au
andian waste
3 Ford Crescent
Thornbury VIC 3071
Contact: Ian Robinson
Phone: 0419 717 700
Website: andianwaste.com.au
Email: ian@andian.com.au
red rabbit rubbish removal & recycling service
Reid Street
Northcote VIC 3070
Contact: Denny Carr
Phone: 0406445834
Website: redrabbitrubbish.com
Email: redrabbit.rubbish@gmail.com
nullarbor timber
92 Graham Street
Moama NSW 2731
Contact: Ian
Phone: (03) 5480 0044
Email: ian@nullarbourtimber.com.au
troll shop
Spreyton Waste Transfer Station
Bay Drive
Spreyton TAS 7310
Contact: Craig Scott
Phone: 03 6427 3424 or 0467 557 887
Email: info@lifelinetasmania.com.au
Pick up location
resource deconstruction
GPO Box 1092
Hobart TAS 7001
Contact: Tim Hankey
Phone: 03 6234 3772
Website: resourcetipshop.com
Email: tim@resource.coop
cmtp tasmania
1628 Warrentinna Road
Branxholm TAS 7261
Phone: 03 6355 4171
Website: cmtp.com.au
lesswaste pty ltd
Contact: Greg Levingston
Phone: 0437 927 830
Website: lesswaste.com.au
Email: dir@lesswaste.com.au
veolia environmental services
75 Mornington St
Mornington TAS 7018
Phone: 03 6244 0000
Email: tas@veolia.com.au
other useful resources:
- http://www.sustainability.vic.gov.au/
- https://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/
- Towards Zero Waste WA
- National Timber Product Stewardship Group
- Office of Environment and Heritage NSW